Patent Approved for Hythiam’s Alcohol Treatment Program
Interest in the mind-body connection in particular is a trend that has continued to grow over the last several years, and you can see this in patented products in virtually every category, including fitness, publishing, alternative health practices, the expansion of nutraceuticals into even our soda, etc.
Patent Opportunity Indicated in Psychosomatic Illness
The focus on how our psychological impacts our physical health is a trend that continues to gain momentum in medical communities and in the general populace. It occurs to me that patent opportunities are abundant in this area in the form of products and patented regimens that might improve our mental outlook.
Medical Patent in the Works for Cocaine Vaccination?
Dr. Tom Kosten, a professor of psychiatry at the Baylor College of Medicine, and his wife, neuroscientist and psychologist Dr. Therese Kosten are working on a medication to aid people in stopping cocaine addiction, according to a recent Newsweek article.
CDEX’s Medical Patent Offers Industry Increased Security
It's hard to imagine a broader category for medical innovation than that of safety. CDEX has certainly made a big business of this, and maybe you can, too.
Dolly the Sheep Creators Secure New Medical Patent
The Rosilin Institute, which stunned the world when they cloned Dolly the Sheep, have secured additional cloning patents, as announced in Earth Times (December 11, 2007). This further strengthens their position in this field and has broad agriculture and medical implications. The new patents (U.S. Patent Nos. 7,304,204 and 7,307,198) cover methods of using differentiated cells to clone ungulate an... Read More