Medical Patent Seekers Breathe Sigh of Relief

(HealthTech Wire, February 11, 2008) Medical patent seekers--and patent seekers in other communities for that matter--are relieved by the rejection of section 4 of the Patent Reform Act of 2007, which would have limited penalties for patent infringement.

Medical Patent Opportunities in Bloodless Solutions

Medical patent opportunities for "bloodless solutions" have been actualized in a wide range of medical devices in technology. With patients increasingly concerned with the risks associated with transfusions, the trend appears to be growing.

Patent Pending Drug for Artherosclerosis

       Merck & Co, Inc., in collaboration with Arena Pharmaceuticals, is taking a patent pending drug into Phase One of a clinical trial (PharmaLive, January 25, 2008). Merck’s second generation niacin receptor agonist is a combatant to artherosclerosis.           Will the patented drug enter the market?      ... Read More

Patent Revocation: A Significant Risk?

    I posted the information below in a separate blog I run for people interested in non-medical patents. However, I thought it would be of use to this community as well.       The question being discussed is how ‘at-risk’ patent holders are for having their patents revoked. And the short answer is…very little.       . T... Read More

A Patent-Pending Patent Protector?

How are you imbuing authenticity within your product's concept? When an idea is innovative enough, being first is itself the strongest voice of authenticity.