Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category

Patent Controversy: How Alexander Graham Bell Edged out Elisha Gray

Alexander Graham Bell patent controversy Prof. John Rizi, Esq. highlights one of the most famous patent controversies in history, a pivotal moment in technology where Alexander Graham Bell edged out Elisha Gray with regards the telephone. If you are a medical or dental inventor, don’t let this happen to you!

Top 5 Medical Inventions of the 20th Century

antibiotics patent and invention Despite the increasing cost of healthcare and the controversies surrounding health care reform and medical device taxes, medical technology companies are more focused than ever when it comes to developing products that will improve the quality of patient care. Here are the top five medical inventions of the 20th century according to leading industry pundits. Development of Antibiotics In the early... Read More

The Top Five Medical Inventions from ‘Shark Tank’ Success

Shark Tank Medical Inventions “Shark Tank,” a highly rated show featuring startups and product innovators pitching their products to some of the most successful entrepreneurs of today, is perhaps one of the most invigorating opportunities for today’s startups. It’s all about taking your idea and making it big. Take a look at five of the show’s biggest successes in the medical and health industry. ... Read More

4 Incredible Inventions in the Med Tech Industry that Sound Like Science Fiction

Electronic eye Some recent breakthroughs in medical technology are astounding. The firms that created these innovations are working in areas that seem like science fiction, yet these inventions are real. The products coming from these innovations are likely to change health care significantly. Here are a few of the most interesting recent developments in medical technology: Medication Delivery by Implants Intarc... Read More

Medical Device Patent News of the Week

Medical Device Patent News The latest news in medical device patents includes technological advances in cardiac care. Seimens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. has patented a new medical ultrasound pressure gradient measurement. This measurement is used to better serve cardiac specialists in quantifying and monitoring varying activities and anomalies of the heart. Additional strides have been made by Me... Read More