Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
Is America Losing the Patenting Race?
The latest post in the McBru Blog poses this question. Quite surprising, given the fact that there is a huge surge in medical technology patents, and the Patent Office is being deluged with patent applications. An excerpt, The latest worldwide patent report came out recently. It is a fascinating document. See if you can guess who files the most patents and wins by almost every measure (such a... Read More
Florida Patent on Medical Device May Be Boon for Heart Patients
The Florida Biomedical Research Programs website reports in a press release that some good news for heart patients may be just around the corner. In the case of a heart attack, a few minutes can spell the difference between life and death. Now, a new medical device can be produced that can cut minutes or even hours off the time it takes to begin life-saving treatment. The Florida Department of Hea... Read More
Patents-Innovation Debate: The War Goes On
I got a taste of things to come just after I’d posted my observations ‘The Patent-Innovation Circle of Progress’. Many of my friends in the profession called up to express their opinions, one side or the other. My follow-up post ‘Patents Lead to Breakthroughs in Medical Technology’ generated even more heat, although you’ll notice that I was just quoting from pre... Read More
Patents Lead to Breakthroughs in Medical Technology
After reading my post ‘The Patent-Innovation Circle of Progress’, many of my friends called me up to express their opinions, for or against. After hearing all sorts of views, I’d like to point out here that I hadn’t drawn any inferences in my post; I simply made an observation based on a couple of quotes in an article in But whether or not everyone agrees that pate... Read More
Are Patent Rulings Impacting Court Cases?
The Wall Street Journal sure thinks so. Here is an excerpt from a WSJ article titled ‘ How a Patent Ruling Is Changing Court Cases’ that drives the point home – Last week, a federal judge in San Francisco who previously had allowed a patent-infringement lawsuit to proceed against RealNetworks Inc. changed course and dismissed the case, citing the Supreme Court’s April ruli... Read More