Archive for the ‘Articles’ Category
Avicena Receives Drug Patent
Acivena has announced the USPTO has granted a patent (#7,285,573) for use of their proprietary drug candidates to battle ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), otherwise known as Lou Gherig‘s disease. This patent joins an expanding portfolio of Acivena drugs for treating ALS, all aimed at slowing the disease’s progress and "improving the quality of life for patients."
Multiple Eli Lilly Pharmaceutical Patents Soon to Expire
Consumers pay more for patented brand name drugs, because they simply feel they work better. This may be attributed to feeling that the companies behind the brand names have put more money in research against their versions to give them greater validity, the advertising that supports such drugs, or perhaps consumers believe the generic versions of a given drug has less of the critical ingredient.
Patents per Million – an Indicator of Inventiveness?
An article in The Economist sheds some light on the present patenting scenario, and provides an interesting perspective. It says, Inventive Japan grants more patents than any other country. In 2002-05, on average 1,213 were given out for every million people, according to data collected for 82 countries by the Economist Intelligence Unit. The corresponding figures for the United States are ab... Read More
Patent office overstretched due to increased workload – WIPO Report
The WIPO Patent Report, 2007 Edition, mentions that, Increasing demand has led to increases in workload in some patent offices, although the number of patent applications pending examination differs significantly from one office to another. The United States of America had more than 900,000 pending applications in 2005, with Japan having the next largest number of pending applications (according t... Read More
Medical Technology – fastest growing technical field, by patent applications
According to the data released in the WIPO Patent Report, 2007 Edition, The three fastest growing technical fields from 2000 to 2004 were medical technology (+32.2%), Audio-visual technology (+28.3%) and information technology (+27.7%). This is based on the number of patent applications filed from 2000 to 2004. The figures for the corresponding years are – 2000 – 55,813 2001 – 59... Read More