The Top Five Medical Inventions from ‘Shark Tank’ Success

Shark Tank Medical Inventions
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“Shark Tank,” a highly rated show featuring startups and product innovators pitching their products to some of the most successful entrepreneurs of today, is perhaps one of the most invigorating opportunities for today’s startups.

It’s all about taking your idea and making it big. Take a look at five of the show’s biggest successes in the medical and health industry.


This device plugs right into the headphone jack on a smartphone, to help determine your blood alcohol level. The goal is to prevent drunk driving. The product sold $10 million in 2014 and received additional funding from the Cleveland Clinic.

Ava The Elephant

A medicine dropper that looks like a talking elephant head makes it easy for kids to take medicine in a friendly, fun way. The product, which was the first and most successful of all “Shark Tank” products, is now available in 10,000 retail stores.

SynDaver Labs

Though the company has had ups and downs, it did receive a $3 million investment on “Shark Tank” to be able to ship out Human Patients, synthetic cadavers made of developed human-like tissue used for medical testing.


Buzzy is a type of pain-blocking device that helps to reduce the impact of getting a shot. The device vibrates and applies a concentrated cold pressure to minimize the ability to feel the injection. Though several of the investors on the show offered, Buzzy never secured a deal in the end because the doctor behind the product would not change her valuation. Nevertheless, the product is used in 1,200 locations.

First Defense Nasal Screen

This “Shark Tank” product allows users to virtually peel and stick a nasal screen in place to protect against germs, pollen, pollution, and allergens. Prior to the show, the founder sold 1.7 million units. The owner walked away with $750,000 from three Sharks, which is higher than the $500,000 he originally wanted. However, with an already-approved $8 million contract for the product from the United Arab Emirates, the Sharks wanted in.

These are some of the most successful health-related devices that made a splash on Shark Tank. Whether or not they received full funding, each of these products remains available and selling to the public.

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