Organics Continues to Provide Patenting Opportunities

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Organic Patent OpportunityConsumer interest in organic and natural products—those devoid of harmful environmental toxins—continues to escalate and broaden into more and more categories. Even in the most mainstream areas of the United States, organic products are taking up more and more shelf space, indicating the patenting opportunities for organic solutions are also on the rise.


According to an article at (December 4,2007), researchers at the Universidat Juate I and the Spanish Research Council know this. They have patented a method for removing pollutants from bivalve mollusks before we consume them. Bivalve mollusks include the shellfish who typically breed in shallow water and filter sea water to gather in nutrients—and pollutants—for instance, clams, mussels, and oysters. Compared to the current techniques of flushing the shellfish with sterile, filtered water or applying hydrostatic pressure, the researchers’ patented technique reportedly removes the pollutants much more efficiently, at two to four times the speed and in increasing the mollusks’ tolerance for "oxidative stress."


Environmental toxins have been linked to cancer and certain neurological disorders (e.g., Parkinson’s Disease), as well as degenerating other functions within our systems. As these researchers, other scientists and medical practitioners, and entrepreneurs in areas far afield show us, organic solutions are solutions we can use and, in some cases, vitally need. Look into your own field of expertise—what uninvented organic solution might advance our bodies’ abilities to develop and/or function? I, for one, would love to know, and, from what I’ve seen, the world would, too.

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